Net Sourcing
Scott Hanselman has a post talking about how his cousin's company ran into some difficulty recently, that Scott believes could be resolved by "net sourcing" certain functionality.
nHibernate performance concerns
I have been investigating nHibernate recently. I am writing some web service interfaces to our ERP product and I would like some painless way of talking to the database.
Open Source Java
Eric has entry on the future of Java now that Sun's new leader is talking about letting go. I have always felt that if Sun hadn't stopped Microsoft innovating their JVM that we would all be Java programmers by now and the language debate would be mute.
MSN search still sucks!
Here's another classic example of why MSN search sucks... Search for "ADAM tutorial Active Directory" in MSN and then do the same in Google.
Open source dreams
Frank linked to an article by the creator of sourceforge about how open source can save enterprise software companies a big chunk of their sales and marketing budget.
Move to WordPress
I decided to move my blog. Blogger has been hosting it for the last year or so, but I was getting annoyed with the workarounds needed to support trackbacks etc. Anyway, I chose Wordpress because of Scoble, the fact that it is free and I have a web host that only supports PHP and MySQL. I would love to have a host that supports .Net, but I just have found one that's cheap enough yet.