
The value of blogging

Am I back?

Country Road You probably want to skip this post. It is really just here as filler to break the ice that has accumulated from not blogging in more than two years. I am not quite sure where the time is going to come from to be able to do the writing that I really want to do. However, it continues to surprise me how often I am having a conversation and I get to reach into the old bizcoder blog and say "I wrote a post about that years ago". There are so many topics that I spend time thinking about these days and I write scribbly notes into a OneNote page, or a Word document. Those words just then die in that medium. They are not in a format that is great to share and the fact that I know I probably will not share them causes me to not spend the time to polish them sufficiently to share. It is a vicious cycle.


Back to my core

I've spent a large part of the last two years playing the role of a technical marketeer.  Call it developer advocate, API Evangelist, or my favourite title, API Concierge, my role was to engage with developers and help them, in any way I could, to build better HTTP APIs.  I have really enjoyed the experience and had the opportunity to meet many great people.  However, the more you hear yourself talk about what people should do, the more you are reminded that you aren't actually doing the stuff you are talking about any more.  The time has come for me to stop just talking about building production systems and start doing it again.


302 - Found

After an interesting summer of working on OSS projects, doing a keynote in Australia at DDDMelbourne, and getting ever closer to finishing that Pluralsight course, I now have a new role to sink my teeth into


Everything is Going to be… 308 Permanent Redirect

The last year has been been a very interesting one.  In April 2014, I announced that I was joining Runscope as a developer advocate.


It’s time for a change, and more of the same.

Starting next week, I will be joining the Runscope team.  Runscope provides tools that help developers debug, test and monitor Web APIs.  This is a company that lives and breathes HTTP.  If you know me, I’m sure you understand why that appeals to me.