Custom Powershell Cmdlets and the mystery of System.Management.Automation.dll
Just in case anyone else is banging their head against this brick wall. I am playing around with trying to create my own Powershell cmdlets. If you search around for samples on doing this you will discover that you need to reference a dll called System.Management.Automation.Dll. Easy huh? Numerous blogs mention that you will find this dll in %program files%Windows Powershell V1.0. Except I'm guessing that was the case in beta versions because it is definitely not the case in the RTM version.
Powershell and Sandcastle
While investigating how to integrate Sandcastle into our TFS Build we came upon a Powershell script from Scott Hanselman that automates the build of the example that is included with the Sandcastle download.
Powershell and Innovasys DocumentX4
I continue to be amazed at how easy it is to manipulate COM libraries from within Powershell. I think it is the fact that you can experiment interactively with the object instances and interrogate the objects with get-member that makes it so convenient.