It is not that we don’t like the convenience of Windows Installer
I just had a fight with an installation of Sharepoint and it dawned on my what I don’t like about Windows Installer. It is a black box. You click on the file and press next, next, next and magic happens. Personally, I would like to know where files are being put, which registry hives are being touched, are services being installed, are accounts being created. Did something go in the GAC, was a COM DLL registered.
WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2
I have been looking thought the latest release of the WCF REST Starter Kit and there are some interesting things there. Especially the new HttpClient class in the Microsoft.Http namespace. I will not talk about the server side of things because I really don't have anything nice to say and until I have some constructive criticism to give I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
The mystery of the trailing slash and the relative url
I had heard conflicting rumours about the significance of the trailing slash, so I decided to go googling. If you explore the first few hits you will find all sorts of discussions about cool urls, the impact on SEO, the performance benefits of avoiding server redirects, amongst other stuff. However, I found nothing that seemed to have a critical impact on the functionality of a web application.