API Evolution (Page 32)

Writings about API Design, OpenAPI, HTTP and related topics.

Using Nuget to give Web API that Add Service Reference experience

Ever since Microsoft’s first efforts to deliver a REST style framework in .net, back in 3.5,  there has been a continuous stream of questions that has asked: how to I add a service reference to that API? How do I generate a client proxy?  How do I access the WSDL for the REST service?  Can I generate classes from WADL?



I would like to introduce the term WebPack.  A WebPack is a shareable implementation of link relations, media types and other types that provides a client application with sufficient semantics to be able to communicate with a Web API.


Subtleties of MVC Routing

I’ve been writing an alternative to the MVC routing mechanism for ASP.NET Web API based on prior approaches that I have worked with.  I’ll blog more about that in the future.