API Evolution (Page 30)

Writings about API Design, OpenAPI, HTTP and related topics.

A Mercurial changelog

I need to write this somewhere or I’ll forget how to do it.  I’ve recently started using branches in hg for my target environments instead of using separate repositories as is recommended by Kiln.  I got a request to produce a list of changes that would be going into the next production release and knew there must be a way of doing it in hg.  This is what I found,


Experiments with Katana

A few months ago I put up a site http://hypermediaapi.com with the intention of using it as place to aggregate links to all things hypermedia related. I built the site using Web API because a) I know how to use it, and b) I wanted to prove a point that a Web Site is really just a special type of Web API.


How not to write spec documents

A few of us keep complaining about the way the HTML5 specification is written.  The argument we are given is that the HTML5 is written in a more prescriptive form to reduce the ambiguity that exists in the more traditional “declarative” style RFC documents. I’ve spent a fair bit of time reading specs over the last few years and although they were tough to get going with I feel pretty comfortable now.