API Evolution (Page 3)

Writings about API Design, OpenAPI, HTTP and related topics.

OpenAPI is not what I thought

Sometimes I do my best thinking in the car and today was an excellent example of this.  I had a phone call today with a the digital agency Authentic who have been hired to help you stop saying Swagger, when you mean OpenApi. I’m only partially kidding. They asked me some hard questions about why I got involved in the OpenAPI Initiative, and experiences I have had with OpenAPI delivering value.  Apparently this started a chain reaction of noodling in my subconscious because while driving my daughter to ballet, it hit me.  I’ve been thinking about OpenAPI all wrong.


HTTP Pattern Index2

When building HTTP based applications we are limited to a small set of HTTP methods in order to achieve the goals of our application. Once our needs go beyond simple CRUD style manipulation of resource representations, we need to be a little more creative in the way we manipulate resources in order to achieve more complex goals.


HTTP Pattern Index

When building HTTP based applications we are limited to a small set of HTTP methods in order to achieve the goals of our application. Once our needs go beyond simple CRUD style manipulation of resource representations, we need to be a little more creative in the way we manipulate resources in order to achieve more complex goals.