I'm a little perplexed. The development of the first version of CAB seemed pretty transparent, to use an in vogue term. However, recently I keep hearing about a version of CAB that works with WPF. All three [1], [2], [3] of these people talk about it and two of them talk about moving on, almost infering that it has finished. Casper[2] goes as far as to call it That Which Shall Not Be Named™
What's the secrecy for? Maybe I was snoozing at the PnpSummit but I didn't hear of anything new upcoming for CAB anytime soon. Rick Maguire showed a slide that indicated SCSF V2 would be around somewhere between FY07-H2 and FY08.
All very interesting. Ironically, I can't wait for Vista to ship so that we can get our hands on all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with Vista!
[1] http://mdavey.wordpress.com/2006/09/19/cab-wpf/