
The Simplest Possible ASP.NET Web API Template

I recently needed to create a new Web API project for some content I'm working on for a talk.  I decided I might as well use the ASP.NET Web API Template to get started.


Microsoft: Open source and cross-platform all the things

It was announced today that Microsoft will be delivering a cross-platform and open source, cloud-optimized version of the .Net framework.


Making your ASP.NET Web API funcky with an OWIN appFunc

The OWIN specification defines a delegate called appFunc that allows any OWIN compatible host to work with any OWIN compatible application.  This post shows you how to turn an ASP.NET Web API into an AppFunc.


HttpClient, it lives, and it is glorious.

Along with the latest release of WCF Web API there was a updated version of HTTPClient .  With it came a bunch of breaking changes, most notably, there are no more Sync methods for doing HTTP requests.  This is a change that brings consistency with Microsoft’s new policy that all APIs that take more than 30ms (or is it 50ms?) should be async requests.  Yes, it’s a bit annoying to get used to, but I believe in the long run it will be worth it.


HttpClient – The basics

Before I go into any details I thought it would be valuable to give some basic examples of how to use the HTTPClient.


NetFX 3 ?

So the announcement came out recently that the WinFX addons to the .Net Framework are going to be rolled into a release called .Net Framework 3.0. This has caused some upset because .net Framework 3.0 will actually be using CLR version 2.0 and C#2.0. What's going to happen when C#3.0 comes out. Jazon Zander believes they are going to call that .Net Framework 3.5. So many numbers, so much confusion.